Dancing queen.

by Tjaša

No, pa se končno špilam turistko!

Že v prejšnjem blogu sem omenila, da je v Dubaj končno prišla jesen. Vsaj mislim, da je to jesen. Zima zagotovo ni. Saj sem še vedno v kratkih hlačah in papučicah. Ja, tako pri nas izgleda jesen v novembru. Milina, vam rečem. In zdaj vzamem nazaj vso tisto stokanje in jokanje. Vsaj do naslednjega junija. Ali pa mogoče maja. No, vsaj do takrat nekje približno.

In zdaj je končno prišel tudi pravi čas za odkrivanje Dubaja. Tako sva se z Dinotom pred parimi dnevi ubistvu čisto po naključju znašla ob pravem času na pravem mestu. Po enem izmed njegovih sestankov sva se dobila v Dubai mall-u, na kapučinu seveda, in slučajno sva sedela na eni izmed teras, ko so se prižgale luči in zadonela je ena super arabska muzika. Uau, plesoče fontane. Še pravi čas sem jih ujela in pritisnila tapravi gumb na telefonu.

In naj vam povem, da je izgledalo prav kul. Še dobro, da sva ujela to arabsko cigumigu varijanto. Kakšna Time to say goodbye varijanta me zagotovo ne bi prepričala.

Drugače pa sploh nisem vedela, da je to ubistvu največja vodna fontana na svetu. Itak, kaj pa drugega. Saj smo vendarle v Dubaju. Halo!
Dubajska fontana je doma v 121.000m2 velikem jezeru pred Dubai mall-om oziroma pod največjo, itak (spet), stavbo na svetu – Burj Khalifo. Vse skupaj ima kar 6.600 luči in 25 barvnih projektorjev. Dolga je 275m, uau!, in vodo lahko izstreli kar 152m v zrak! Njen ples ponavadi spremlja klasična arabska glasba ali pa vse možne svetovno znane uspešnice. Da so jo zgradili so porabili samo 800 milijončkov dirhamov, kar je 160 milijonov EUR. Džizas!

Je pa to ubistvu ena redkih turističnih atrakcij, katere ogled je zastonj. Edina cena, ki jo boste plačali je tisti sicer precej dragi kapučino. Lahko pa si fontano ogledate tudi iz sprehajališča ob jezeru, kar vas ne bo stalo nič. Woho!

In za konec tega posta še novica dneva. Moji najljubši januarja prihajajo v Dubaj. Juhu!
Od sreče skačem v luft skoraj tako visoko kot brizga/šprica (zakaj se to sliši tako čudno), no kakorkoli hočete, ta fontana.

P.S. Poplesavanja fontane žal nisem uspela ujeti na slike, sem pa namesto tega posnela video. S telefonom. To je to!

Processed with VSCOcam with s3 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with s3 preset

Oh well, I am finally playing a tourist in Dubai. Like I already said in my previous post, fall has finally come to this city. At least I think it’s fall. It’s certainly not winter as I am still wearing my shorts and flip flops. Yes, this is how fall looks like in Dubai and it’s already November. Ahh just perfect, I tell you. And I take back all that moaning and crying. At least until next June. Or May. Well, at least until then.

And now is the perfect time to explore Dubai. So a few days ago me and Dino, actually quite accidentally, found ourselves at the right time at the right place. After one of his meetings we met at Dubai Mall, over the cappuccino of course, and we accidentally sat on one of the terraces when the lights went up and cool Arabic music started to play. Wow, dancing fountains. I was lucky enough to press the right button on my phone.

Let me tell you, it looked pretty cool. And I was actually really happy we caught this Arabic gipsy (like I call it) version. If we would have caught Time to Say Goodbye version, I certainly would not be persuaded by it’s glory like I was with the gipsy one.
Otherwise, I didn’t know that this is actually the largest water fountain in the world. But hello (mental note for myself), what else did I expect. We are in Dubai for Christ sake!
Dubai fountain’s home is actually a 121.000m2 large lake in front of the Dubai mall or better said, it’s below the tallest, what else did I expect (again) building in the world Burj Khalifa. All together it has 6,600 lights and 25 color projectors. And it’s 275m long, wow!, and water can be fired as high as 152m in the air! It usually dances on traditional Arabic music or all possible world-famous hits.
And the total development value is actually only 800 million Dirhams, which is only 160 million Euros. Jesus Christ!

But to be honest, this is one of the few tourist attractions here you can see for free. The only price you pay is that quite expensive cappuccino. However, you can also see the fountain from the promenade along the lake, which will cost you nothing. Woho!

And to end this post on a happy note, well it’s happy post anyway, but still. My family is coming to Dubai in January and I couldn’t be happier to see my parents and my brother here. I know they will love it!

P.S. Sorry, no pictures of the dancing fountain, but I took a shaky video with my phone for you.